comes from an anonymous source which simply calls it self "Digital Lover"
For more specific info, check out this link: http://nudgearts.blogspot.
You have to scroll down a little bit, but the necessary information is there. The only thing that will change is that the publication will hopefully be in color this time around.
Nudge is making some pretty significant and very exciting changes, and our community is really starting to form. Consider coming to the Parnassus Presents Emerging Artist events on Wednesdays at 5:30, and also next Friday at 5:30 to listen to a reading from Stray. Watch out for announcements on more events -- our theme is Dance Party, after all.
More detailed info on submissions is written below. It's not completely necessary to read, but you may find it helpful.
Questions: Email or visit http://nudgearts.blogspot.
The long of it:
We've said it before, and we'll say it again: Nudge Arts Journal is looking for people who are willing to push themselves beyond their limits for the sake of pursuing originality in their work. Nudge wants you to risk elitism and irrelevance with your submissions for the sake of creating a bolder arts community here at the UW.
That said, we'll have a fairly rigid structure when it comes to the physical publication and editorial details. Nudge is still a journal, and we will still accept submissions in the same categories: fiction writing, creative nonfiction writing, poetry, visual art, music, and film/video. All of these submissions will focus on our theme (DANCE PARTY). Instead of publishing all of our choice submissions, however, we will put an additional restraint on the print publication: we will only publish five submissions from each category. This will hopefully encourage people to be especially creative with their work and will also free up some funds so we can make the publication really sweet-looking. Also, instead of just being a print publication, Nudge will have an influential online component: a blog (http://nudgearts.blogspot.
comments. This will allow people to submit as many pieces of work as they want and allow many people to see what kind of work is being produced by UW undergraduates.
Our final deadline will be March 7, but it will be a rolling deadline, so people can submit their work at any time during the quarter. All submissions will be sent to, and one person will take the names off all submissions and post the anonmymous submissions online. After the March 7 deadline passes, editors will make three final cuts. First cut in all sections is made as a collective group. Second cut will be made by section editors, and once this cut is made, feedback will be provided to the remaining contributors on their work. Final cut will be approval of editor and managing editor.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.