o Naming for all submission files: typeofsubmission_artistsname_worktitle.extension
o Subject for all emails containing submissions: type of submission (fiction writing, creative nonfiction writing, poetry, visual art, fiction film, documentary, music, comics)
o Publication will be in black and white (photographers and visual artists, take note)
o Preferably: MP3@ 192 kbps
o Will accept: AIFF or WAV
o Tagged properly (in iTunes, etc.)
o On CD or via email
o Preferably: uncompressed .AVI
o Will accept: .mov, .mp4 of generally high quality
o Will NOT accept: .wmu
o On CD or DVD
Photo, Digital Art
o Preferably: .jpg or .bmp
o Will accept: .psd, .tiff
o Will not accept: .raw, pdf
o Bigger than 800X500, bigger the better
o On CD or Email
o Note: we will accept prints to scan and return
Non-Digital Visual Art
o Take a photo of your work
o Send as email attachment
o If accepted, we’ll have one of our own photographers take a photo of your work so all accepted arts submissions have a uniform method of presentation
o Scan work, follow photo directions
All Writing
o Email attachment