Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Nudge has a blog/online presense

We are in the early stages of forming a probably bi-annual paper-based literary/arts magazine manufactured by and for the University of Washington undergraduate arts community(ies). In fact, the stated goal for this project is community building (in a post-internet-social-networking media environment).


"editor-in-chief: claire fox
managing editor: daphne stergides
copy editor: laura brady
section editors: kelsey ganes (prose/creative nonfiction), mirit markowitz (visual art), brittany newell (music), erik stinson (prose/creative nonfiction)
editorial committee: joel kramer, kris reinhardt, aisha rich, cookie wheeler
online editor: erik stinson" - Claire's Facebook message

Also, the submission deadline for first issue: NOVEMBER 26 (the Monday after Thanksgiving Break). Late submissions MAY be considered. For the first issue, all timely submissions (alumni, current undergrads, grad students, professional artists, elephant paintings) will be considered and in all likelihood published.

Also, there will be a submission party on Friday, 10pm, at the p-patch house. This party will be a chil way to get to know Nudge.


Also, this Nudge still needs participants, submissions, technical support, and financial stability. If you want to help out in any way, please get in contact with us.

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